Practical advice in choosing an interior designer
The concept of “interior design” came into our lives recently. During the era of the soviet Union, the concept of residential interior did not exist at all, during the perestroika period and immediately after independence in the country there dominated the economic crisis, and questions of aesthetics took a back seat. Today, the living standard in our country is steadily rising. And the demand for this new and mysterious service – interior design – is growing.
It should be noted that the development of the interior design can still be considered quite exclusive service. Of course, everyone would like to live in a beautiful, comfortable and harmonious home. However, not everyone is ready to entrust this work to professionals.
Drawing a parallel, for example, with the appearance and beauty, we can say that every person of either sex wants to look beautiful and attractive. Both sexes use cosmetics and perfumes, watch the figure, go to the hairdresser and carefully choose their clothes, shoes and accessories. But not everyone turns to a professional stylist for advice. This is the prerogative of public people, who need a harmonious and memorable image, wealthy people or simply those who pays great attention to their image.
The same is with the interior design – it is necessary and useful service, but whether it is necessary for you personally?
Before you decide to turn to an interior designer you should ask yourself a few questions. Are you ready to entrust the arrangement of your home (office, enterprise or other premises) to a stranger? Are you ready to trust his professionalism, opinion, follow his advice? Are you ready to pay an adequate amount of money for the service of this professional? Are you ready to embody at your home bold innovative solutions, use non-standard methods? Are you ready to make an effort to explain to the designer your vision of your home? Are you ready to give him the certain freedom in the process of creation?
How much does it cost?
The first question that a potential client usually has to an interior designer – how much this service cost? This is not surprising, since on the one hand this service is rarely found and on the other hand, prices of the designers of various levels of education and experience can vary significantly.
In the development of the architectural design of a building the cost of architect’s work is approximately 10 % of the total cost of the building taking into account the materials and constructive works. Accordingly, the cost of a design project may be about 10 5 of the total cost of repair and decoration of premises. However, in practice such price is set only by senior designers with appropriate education, wide experience, publications in specialized magazines, awards in the contests. Payment for services of famous designers is very, very not cheap. Usually the calculation of the cost of services of the designer decided to make according to the total area of the designed object. The lower price bracket can be 5 lat or even 2 lat per square meter. However, focusing on such price you should be aware that you will probably have to work with a non-legal person, perhaps even with an unregistered designer. Accordingly, the quality guarantee of the work will be a big question. Of course, it is worth remembering that a high price itself also does not guarantee good results. But as you know, the realty good things are never cheap.
Benefits of the work with an interior designer
So, if you decide to order the interior design at a professional, what will you have with this? The work with a designer has several significant advantages.
First, each design project is unique. You get premises with an original image, nor similar to others, revealing your identity.
Second, a building designed by the designer will be processed professionally and harmoniously, taking into account the laws of composition, the psychology of colour, style. The designer is a professional; that is why on his behalf are saying education, knowledge and experience as well as artistic taste.
Third, you can optimize the cost of repairs and construction works – calculation of necessary materials and the opportunity to test design options virtually or on paper without alterations on the object.
The composition of the design project
Upon completion of the work with the designer, the customer receives a document “Design project”. In practice, it is a folder with all technical documentation, upon the guidance of which a team of builders can carry out repair and construction works, purchase materials and equipment, but the customer can purchase furniture, equipment and décor items.
The design project must include visual materials: either visualization) photorealistic images created with the help of computer programs) or hand-drawn sketches showing the projected interior. Also there is necessary a full set of working drawings (plans, sections, node connections) for builders, electricians, painters, tillers and other workers employed in the project. In addition, the design project includes specifications for all required parts – finishing materials, sanitary ware, furniture, lighting – indicating the manufacturer and the required amount.
Where to look
Usually people first ask relatives, friends and acquaintances if they have a friend – an interior designer. If for some reason this way and the result do not suit you there are a few simple ways to find an interior designer.
Internet is a vast storehouse of information. Enter a query to any favorite search system and choose from several thousand sites, ads and CV. Perhaps, you already know the name of the designer, which you would like to hire, for example, from the publication in the journal. In this case the Internet will also help.
Also the usual telephone directories of the companies have sections on the design as a whole and the interior design in particular. In addition, there is a dedicated Architectural directory “ABC”, which also represents companies and specialists in this sphere.
Recently, advertising of the interior designers began to appear also in the specialized construction and interior exhibitions (Maja, Baltic furniture market, etc.)
Often potential customers also turn to a construction company or a real estate agency, where they will be provided with services of staff designer or recommended a specialist, with whom the company collaborates.
How to evaluate the professionalism and experience of the designer?
If you have decided to work with an interior designer, arrange a meeting with him during which you can discuss al your questions beginning from the price and date of execution of works to the experience of the designer and the design projects. And in order the meeting was more productive for both parties, watch the following recommendations.
Ask to bring a complete design project of one of the objects, ideally, of course, the realized one with the final photos. Do not be lazy thoughtfully consider it. Ask all conceivable questions, both on external and aesthetic and the practical and constructive side of the project. Why is there such a strange decision? What is this thing made of? How is this done? Is this solution very expensive? An experienced designer will easily answer all your questions. And even if he is not very experienced but has made this object from start to finish.
Next, look in the Internet the detailed options of the composition of the design project – they are on the sites of design companies and may have some differences. At the meeting with the candidate for designers ask him what services and what complete set of the project he offers. Compare with others.
Then, again, search in the Internet questionnaires of terms of reference for the interior design. This is a list of technical and aesthetic questions that you must answer first of all to yourself before you begin the process of the interior design. In fact, these are the questions, which help to describe the generalized requirements for the future interior. Many designers have their own similar surveys, but in any case, you will not hurt to think of some questions in advance and discuss them with your family.
Approach to the search for a designer very seriously. How is a person looking for an apartment? At a minimum, he examines several proposals, probably considers the pros and cons of each option. Likewise there is a sense to look for a designer and not the last place belongs to the factor that the designer must be pleasing to you as a person.
And the last one. Do not skimp on the service of the designer. If you find a designer with good portfolio, good projects, intelligent, experienced and pleasant in all respects – do not abandon him in favor of a cheaper one. Remember the saying “miser pays twice”.