Planning a renovation? Building a house? Renovating the office?
Or may be you are starting a new business and you need to design a beautiful office, restaurant or shop?
Eyes run from the abundance of possible finishing materials. Hard to navigate in the furniture manufacturers, understand, whose quality is better and whose price is justified. What tile to choose for the bathroom? Where better to order furnishing – at local manufacturers or inItaly?
Want to embody so many wishes in one place, not only yours but also for your family members. One wants a modern interior with white walls, for the other a red kitchen is necessary, and the third does not see the house of his dream without wooden floors. But you are concerned about the issue – whether all of this will look harmoniously.
Repair is not a simple matter, and the builders have their own slang, which only they can understand and which they do not want to explain to anybody. They ask you some strange questions about the future interior, but you do not understand what they want to hear in response?
If you already have an experience in repair, you know what it is fraught. If this is your first time, I have bad news for you. Creation of the house of you dream can turn into:
- unexpected result – the interior will differ from that you have imagined;
- additional alterations – because some things just will fail to be done or will be done bad;
- long repair time – due to the alterations and downtime due to the absence of necessary materials;
- additional costs – both for both for the work of the builders and for materials, as something can be not enough, but something you have purchased too much;
- wasted time and nerves – your time and effort that you could spend on work or vacation.
How can we help you?
First, we will show you with high-quality visualization how will your interior look like at the end of the work. You can see at once whether you will like the colour of the walls and if the chosen sofa fits here.
Second, we will prepare a full set of drawings and other documents for the builders in order they have minimum questions to you in the process of repair.
Third, we can help you find everything you need for your interior – from the paint on the walls to the pillows on the sofa. We will draw up a detailed list of materials, equipment, furniture, fixtures and other things with the proper amount and the place where you can get it. You will only need to pay the bill!
Fourth, upon your wish we will hold the so-called “market analysis” or the competition for the best price. We will help you choose the best material for your budget or a manufacturer company with the best price-quality.
Fifth, we will participate in your repair until the very last moment, will control the builders and answer all their questions in the framework of supervision.
Why should you choose our studio?
- Individual approach – the representative of the studio communicates with you personally adjusting to your schedule, taking into account your wishes. He meets with you at the convenient time and place for you.
- Exclusive interior – each our work is unique and unrepeatable, made upon the client’s wishes. No punching. No standard designs.
- Recognition – our interiors are constantly published in the professional journals around the world and regularly get awards in the design competitions. We are recognized pros in our business!
- In addition, if you are a business owner (for example, a restaurant or a shop ) and would like to order the interior for the commercial premises or office, then our publications and awards will give you an additional free of charge publicity and PR. We will do everything we can to show your interior in the specialized magazines and contests. This will benefit both you and us.
- Our services were used and were satisfied such clients as Fuji Film, Godvil, Baltic Beach Hotel, Oriflame and many others.
We offer service of architectural and interior design of any complexity. Our studio has a wide experience both in private architecture and interiors (projects of houses and apartments) and public projects (the architecture of apartment buildings and commercial buildings, as well as the interiors of the hotels, restaurants, shops, offices and beauty salons). We offer a full range of design work in architecture and interior design and coordination of project of engineering services.