The first consultation
In the joint work of the interior designer and the customer the first meeting is one of the most important steps. It is important to determine how serious the client refers to the future cooperation, whether he has determined his passions and desires, if he is ready to trust to the selected professional. It is important that the designer as much as possible has imagined the life of the customer, has created his psychological portrait, or even understood his character. After all, nature and lifestyle are the determining factors in the development of an individual design project.
It is very good when by the first meeting with the designer the customer already has an idea of the result he would like to receive. You can bring magazine clippings with photos of interiors you liked, or vice versa, with absolutely unacceptable options.
You must provide the designer with technical documentation (inventory plan of premises, apartment or house), describe the condition of utilities (water, sewage, heating, ventilation).
During the first consultation the customer will be asked to fill in the “terms of reference for the development of a design project”. This document is a starting point in developing the design project of premises. It specifies the basic requirements for the future interior in functionality, style, colour solution. The terms of reference may be filled during the consultation with the designer or at home. You can download the terms of reference in electronic form and bring it on the first consultation already filled.
Design of the sketch
Ideally, after the first meeting the designer must have some image, which he can convert into understandable visual form. Perhaps, this will require more than one meeting.
Once the designer has understood your wishes, the actual process of designing the interior design begins – creating a unique image of the room. As a result of this process you will get the so-called conceptual design – plan of premises with furnishing, as well as the sketches of premises in perspective and colour – computer visualization or watercolour sketches. Depending on the agreement with the designer you can be represented by a number of possible options.
Creating the design project
Once the preliminary design is approved, there comes a rather long period of design. The process requires several meetings of the designer and the customer to precise the concept of lighting, placement of electrical equipment and plumbing as well as the trips to the shops to select specific finishing materials, samples of furniture and fixtures. In parallel there is carried out the work on the design of built-in furniture (kitchens, built-in cabinets) and furniture on the individual project, if planned. As a result of this work the customer gets a design project in two copies – a set of all necessary drawings, specifications and the supporting documents, according to which the interior design will be brought in reality
Prices and payment
Payment for the project development of the interior design is in 4 stages:
1 –advance payment, usually in amount of 25% of the price of the project
2 – payment for the initial sketches of the interior
3 – payment for the final renderings of the interior
4 – payment for technical drawings and specifications
Before starting the development of the interior design the client is provided with a schedule of works showing the total price of the design project for his premises and payment for all phases of the work.
Author’s supervision
Author’s supervision is a very important part of work on the development of the interior design. Despite the extra cost, it should not be neglected. During the author’s supervision there are resolved the issues, which can not be resolved within the framework of the project, and are made the necessary changes “at the place”. The author’s supervision allows the customer to simplify the process of communication with the builders. The designer in this case is a kind of a translator and a part of the arbitrator.
The author’s supervision in most case is paid separately from the project according to the mutual agreement of the customer and the designer. The payment for the author’s supervision is calculated from the start of construction works on site.
Sometimes the presence of the designer once a week for an hour or two is enough. In such cases the payment can be hourly or per exit at the object. On the more complex sites where it is necessary to control a large volume of complex works and a large team of the builders, the author’s supervision can be fixed for the month.
Decoration of the interior
When all finishing and repair works are finished, tile and parquet floors are laid, walls painted and plumbing installed, the process of interior decoration begins. It includes the purchase of furniture and fixtures, the selection of textiles (curtains, blinds, bed covers), the choice of paintings or photographs, decorative elements. Very often, this phase of work is carried out in parallel with the supervision, thus reducing the time of delivery the finished object.